
Tiny triggers

Let’s just say Hunter Ann and her 8-inch companions confront a bull elk in the woods after deploying their finely tuned bugling skills (using the Primos Terminator bugle tube elk call) and intimate knowledge of elk habits and mountain habitat. What happens next to these stealth Elk Hunter action figures? (A) They drop their weapons and run; (b) Hunter Ann holds her gun correctly and plugs the elk, which in its death throes gores Hunter Dan; (c) A ranger played menacingly by G.I. Joe swoops in and cites them for poaching but pulls Hunter Ann aside and, as Hunter Dan gives him stink-eye, asks for her phone number. If you answered “any of the above,” you’re catching on to the endless possibilities of playing it safe with dolls and authentic accessories from Spend $17.99 each, or collect all three, and no one except G.I. Joe will get hurt.
