
Legislation for Limiting Condo Board Powers

I am a longtime condo board member and read “Homeowner Groups’ Power to Foreclose Is Under Attack” (June 7) from that perspective. Among the horror stories was the pertinent statistic: Less than 1% of foreclosures requested result in a sale. Furthermore, foreclosure is requested only after a series of delinquent notices has been ignored.

I’m sure there are foreclosures that happen unfairly or unnecessarily. However, sadly, there are also homeowners who, without the threat of foreclosure, simply refuse to pay their dues. The legislation discussed in your article may help some folks out of a tight spot while giving others a $2,500 free ride.

Mary Ann Hurst

Valley Glen


I read this article on the same day I received a letter from one of my two associations, threatening me with placing a lien on my home. I owe it $18.68. I have always paid my monthly bill on time, except this time I sent the payment to the wrong association. This illustrates the power and arrogance of these associations.


Your article mentions that associations’ assessments cover the costs of projects such as new roofing or landscaping services and street maintenance. My association does none of that for us. In fact, after eight years of living in my home and paying my dues, I do not know where our dues go. It’s about time someone presents legislation to deal with this blatant act of abuse.

Jose O. Maldonado

Aliso Viejo
