
Stanley Cup Finals Get Lost in Shuffle

Hockey is my favorite sport. I find it to have the fast pace of basketball, the roughness and hitting of football and it can end with a walk-off winner as in baseball. However, it suffers on TV and always will.

One thing the NHL can do to showcase the sport is to put it on television when it is not competing with more American sports. The NHL should reduce the schedule so that the playoffs occur in February, the nadir of sports. With nothing else to watch, you just might find new fans.

Bruce N. Miller



I was disappointed today when I opened my L.A. Times on Tuesday to the sports page to see the write-up about the dramatic finish in the Stanley Cup only to see a giant picture of Shaq.


Pardon me, but this is Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals and the Lakers didn’t even play Monday. Even Ken Griffey Jr.’s picture was four times the size of the Stanley Cup picture.

I’m not saying that in L.A., the Lakers are not important or should be relegated to Page 2, but please have some perspective on what is important in the world of sports, not just in Southern California.

Norah Dunbar

