
Wesley Clark as Kerry’s VP

Thanks for Ronald Brownstein’s May 3 column, “If Election Hinges on Iraq, Kerry May Need Added Firepower,” on Gen. Wesley Clark as running mate for Sen. John Kerry. I agree completely. Clark would not only buttress Kerry in the “war leader” department but has other favorable qualities as well. Being from Arkansas, he could help deliver Southern votes for Kerry, the quintessential New Englander. Clark’s image is that of a centrist, which bodes well for winning the “purple” battleground states.

Also, don’t discount the fact that Clark comes across as being very personable and has a great smile to help counterbalance Kerry’s often dour demeanor.

John Hauf

Mill Valley


I couldn’t agree more with Brownstein. It’s about time one of the pundits noticed what should be obvious. Clark would be a terrific pick as a vice president. Not only would he provide additional firepower on national security, he could take on Vice President Dick Cheney and put him in his place.


Clark may not have been a polished campaigner out of the box, but he did better than Rep. Dick Gephardt (D-Mo.) and gave Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) a run for his money [in the primaries].

But the best thing about Clark is that he wouldn’t just help win a single state. Clark could win over the independents and moderates that haven’t yet warmed up to Kerry.

Linda Renna

Mission Viejo


Is it just me who thinks that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is the only sane, legitimate opposition spokesperson and conscience of America at this point in history? It seems when anything comes up that Kerry should be taking point position on, McCain’s already been there, scouted out the issues and held a press conference.


If McCain would like to mount another campaign, I would gladly support him as I did four years ago. He could pick Kerry as his vice president, and maybe Kerry could get some on-the-job training and tips on how to do this.

Anthony Skirlick

