
Compton Girls Make Best of Bad Situation

After reading Bill Plaschke’s story, “Phat Chants,” about the Compton girls’ softball team [May 7], those painful but wise words of my mother came to me: “Life is not fair.”

That sure is evident from what the Compton softball players are going through. It took me years as a professional athlete to see the good in almost all my adversities. The Compton team seems to have mastered making the best of a terrible situation.

Even while some of the adults around them seem myopic to their needs, the spirit of the girls shines through. This brings me to a question: Does this institution have a history of not providing girls equal chances to participate in organized sports? If they have not offered a balance of sports opportunities, then they are guilty of noncompliance with Title IX. They are breaking the law, while letting these kids fall through the cracks. Shame on them.


Julie Krone

Horse Racing Hall of Fame
