
The secret’s out, guys

I was bemused by John Horn’s “A Troy Story” [May 9], in which both he and “Troy” screenwriter David Benioff coyly avoid mentioning whether it’s Achilles or Hector who emerges victorious from their climactic Trojan War battle. I was also saddened, because Benioff is undoubtedly right when he says, “You know one of them is going to die, and you’re not sure which,” as if this were “The Sixth Sense,” “The Crying Game” or some other movie with a surprise ending.

We’re talking about “The Iliad” (well, sort of), one of the most venerable and important works ever created by humankind! Apparently the Trojan War isn’t the only thing that’s ancient history these days -- so is what used to be called a “classical education.”

Sam Graham

Los Angeles
