
The fur flies

I was shocked, sickened and angered by Robert Abele’s ignorant comment in “From Bad to Worse” [May 9]. In the “Catwoman” section you wrote, “and it’s likely not as penny-ante cruel as squirting mascara into the eyes of rabbits.”

Not only does this show Abele’s lack of compassion, heart and a soul, but his complete ignorance and lack of education on this subject. There is nothing “penny-ante” about the useless and horrific treatment of laboratory slaves that are these voiceless, innocent creatures! Comments such as his tell people that it is just part of life and that it is OK, which it clearly is not.

Next time Abele writes about something as fluffy and pointless as “Catwoman,” he should not bring a real-life horror story into it and make light of something very wrong.


Briana Mackay

Studio City
