
L.A. City Pools Left High and Dry

Re “L.A.’s Public Pools Are Crumbling,” May 12: It seems like there couldn’t be a worse place to cut from the budget. At a time when healthcare costs are skyrocketing, physical education in public schools is almost nonexistent and one in four Americans is obese, public pools provide a healthy dose of preventive medicine. They encourage fitness by making it fun and they teach a valuable skill.

The secret was out at the Echo Park Deep Pool, where hundreds of kids, senior citizens and working people like me used to swim every day until it unexpectedly closed. But public pools shouldn’t be considered dispensable. They provide an essential community resource and serve to counter negative trends in our country. Plus, they are a staple of California life.

Elizabeth Brennan

Los Angeles


I think I have this right: At the same time we are spending something like $4.5 billion a month in Iraq, the city of Los Angeles cannot afford to open up six of its pools for the summer. Wow. Are we off the track or what?


Phil Glynn

Woodland Hills
