
More on Aaron McGruder’s Guts, Gumption and Worldview

I just finished reading the article about cartoonist Aaron McGruder (“He’s Gotta Fight the Powers That Be,” by Greg Braxton, April 25). I’m an older white guy, and I like his strip and admire his guts--as well as many of his stances regarding the current Bush administration. However, I’m sorry that his concern for the failure of systems designed to protect this country does not extend to the many out-of-work American animators who would have loved working on his upcoming animated TV series.

By sending the work to Korea, McGruder is helping scuttle another safeguard of American life. You know, the great American dream about being able to make a living and earn a decent wage. Oh, but I guess that when you have to lighten up the strip to protect the TV show, you also have to give in to the economics of getting it done as cheaply as possible, regardless of the ultimate cost. Rave on, kid. You’ve almost got it right.

Jack Angel

Studio City


What an interesting, bright, honest young man McGruder is. What is up with radio talk-show host Larry Elder? His calling McGruder “ill-informed, childish and mean-spirited” is laughable. This from the king of biased information and juvenile behavior, with huge doses of mean-spiritedness thrown in for good measure. Elder might be wise to take a page from McGruder’s book. I wish McGruder continued success.


Eileen O’Neill

West Hills


What arrogance. McGruder says of Condoleezza Rice: “She’s a murderer because I believe she’s a murderer.” Let’s list the accomplishments of each to see who has offered solutions versus who just comments on things, real and imaginary. As for Rice needing companionship, McGruder is a good role model, isn’t he? His friends are to blame for his ego? He’s the one who is willing to sell out for a TV show and more riches. What a waste of space this guy and his story are. Another “artist” contributing very little to the world.

Ted Whittlinger



A lot of us fear that Bush’s policies may hasten the end of the world, and about a third of Republicans want to reelect him for exactly that reason. And now McGruder is going to lay low on topical issues. Can things possibly get any worse?

Scott D. White

