
Anglers catch river rage

Another altercation between sportsmen turned dangerous this month after an angler on the Green River in Utah pulled a handgun on another fisherman, authorities report.

Lt. Rick Harrison of the Daggett County sheriff’s office says two anglers boating below Flaming Gorge Dam fouled the line of a pair of shore anglers, one of whom waded into the water and blocked the boat. During an ensuing argument, “the guy in the boat asked his friend to hand him his gun,” Harrison says.

According to Harrison, witnesses differ on what happened next. The gun owner says he brandished the weapon but did not point it at the other anglers, but the shore anglers say he pointed the weapon at them.


Authorities say the gun owner had a permit to carry a concealed weapon, but deputies apprehended him. The Nov. 20 incident is under investigation. Officials did not release the names of the parties.

Earlier this month, six were killed and two injured in Wisconsin after a confrontation with a hunter.

-- Charles Duhigg
