
Whittle that didgeridoo down, sport

Lewis Burns could very well be the Leo Fender of the didgeridoo. An Aborigine from the Wiradjuri tribe who lives in the Australian outback and frequently visits the U.S., Burns has been handcrafting the instrument known for its haunting sound and purported healing qualities for 20 years. And not just for himself. Indeed, Burns, who was given a didgeridoo when he was 13, has taught more than 1,000 people how to make this ancient Aussie instrument.

Over the span of eight hours, Burns explains all things didgeridoo, including gathering the raw materials, applying embellishments and making music.

“I find mallee trees, a type of eucalyptus, that are drooping and near finished, and cut them down,” he says. “Then I trim them to about 3 1/2 feet and clean them out, because they could be full of termite droppings or dirt. After that I treat them with a special sealant.”


Burns, 40, ships the timber to the States and, once in class, has his students remove the bark from each piece with a knife before sandpapering. Vegetable oil is then rubbed over the embryonic instruments, after which students work on the base of their respective didgeridoos with chisels, hammers and rasps.

Pupils then create a mouthpiece at the narrower end of the wood, applying beeswax to make it easier to play, before decorating their instruments. “If they want aboriginal designs or animals, I show them,” says Burns, who is also an artist. “I can draw outlines, and they paint them or burn them in with a wood burner.”

The moment of truth comes when each student puts didgeridoo to mouth and blows. “Everybody’s at a different level,” Burns says, “so I help those who need it.”


At day’s end, Burns throws a little something on the barbie and everyone parties down.

Lewis Burns’ Didgeridoo Workshops. Camarillo, Sunday; Joshua Tree Didgeridoo Festival, Oct. 16; Malibu Hills, Oct. 30. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $300. For specific sites and more information, call (310) 923-3590 or go to
