Saddle up, Mr. Shaw
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David SHAW critiques the appearances of Pat Buchanan, Paul Begala and James Carville, et al, in fostering a perception of media bias [Media Matters, “War Horse Analysts Come Saddled With Image of Bias,” 10/3/04]. These pundits make no secret of their partisanship for their respective positions, so what is the problem? Is there a TV viewer alive who doesn’t now know this?
Shaw doesn’t seem to have a problem with the “Dennis Miller” show, hosted by Bush’s opening act. If Shaw is going to write about Dan Rather’s lapses, fine. But how about a paragraph or two on Carl Cameron, Fox News’ White House correspondent, who just filed a false report in which he mocked John Kerry’s appearance. If that’s not being saddled with bias, I don’t know what is.
David Perez