
Catholics, Conscience and the Voting Booth

Re “St. Louis Catholics Debate Political Directive,” Oct. 7: So it is a “grave sin” for St. Louis Catholics to vote for politicians who support same-sex marriage and abortion. Does the church support misleading a nation into a war in which thousands of innocent people die? If not, is it a “grave sin” to vote for George W. Bush?

Pat Mauer



Catholic teaching asks us to look into our conscience. No one candidate has a monopoly on life or death. An illegal war and the killing of persons who might be exonerated by DNA evidence later cannot be considered pro-life. Medical care and prescription relief for seniors and the poor are all issues that involve a look at supporting and sustaining life. I hope my Catholic brothers and sisters will not be one-issue voters but will listen to the candidates and learn about all the issues involved and make a vote that is between them and God.

Virginia Aguirre

