
A country road that’s gone city

Regarding “N.Y., Now in Season” [Oct. 17]: Gayle Keck describes U.S. Route 9 north of Beacon, N.Y., as a classic country road that traces the east bank of the Hudson.

Dutchess County, where Beacon, Hyde Park and Rhinebeck are located, has many classic country roads, but this segment of Route 9 is surely not one of them.

It is perhaps the busiest road in the county, crowded with strip malls and other urban clutter. Perhaps there is no less attractive drive in the county.


One of the prettiest drives through the county, although a four-lane highway, is the Taconic Parkway. It has magnificent vistas of fall color, and crossing this parkway are many genuine country roads, some not paved.

Vince Buck


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