
After sitting all day, stand up and stretch

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

This standing side bend is an easy and effective way for you to stretch the muscles down the side of your body. It helps lengthen the area from your armpit to your hip on each side. After a good workout, it’s an excellent way to cool down, and it also feels great if you have been sitting for long periods of time. Just be sure to stay in the stretch long enough to feel its full effect.


1 Stand with your feet together and raise your arms above your head. Grasp your left wrist with your right hand, straightening your left elbow. Inhale and reach up with your left fingertips. Pull your abdominals in toward your spine and point your tailbone toward the floor.

2 On an exhale, bend to your right, elongating the left side of your body. During this movement, keep equal weight over both feet; do not allow most of your weight to shift. Turn your head to look up toward your left arm. Hold this position while you take five breaths. On an inhale, return to the upright position and repeat on the other side.



-- Karen Voight
