
B-movies genre has its queen


Hungarian-born glamour girl Zsa Zsa Gabor, star of such campy fare as “The Girl in the Kremlin” (1957) and “The Queen of Outer Space” (1958), was among 10 artists and 10 films chosen for entry into the seventh annual B-movie Hall of Fame.

The voting was conducted online at B-Movie Theater (, a website celebrating the art of low-budget filmmaking.

The individual receiving the most votes was actress Debbie Rochon, whose movies include “Black Easter” (1994) and “Hellblock 13 (1999). British writer and director Clive Barker -- creator of the long-running “Hellraiser” and “Candyman” series received the second highest total.


Others who made the cut included actor Buster Crabbe, who played Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers in popular serials, director Sam Fuller (1950’s “The Baron of Arizona” and 1963’s “Shock Corridor”) and Japanese martial arts icon Sonny Chiba, who appeared in “Gangster Cop” (1970) and “The Street Fighter” (1974).

Wes Craven’s “The Last House on the Left” (1972) won the most votes for a movie.
