
Funds Would Buy Up Undeveloped Land

Ventura County

Proposition: Measure A

Summary: Will approve a quarter-cent sales tax for open space acquisition for 10 years.

Who got it on the ballot: The county Board of Supervisors, but it does not officially support or oppose the measure.

Who are in favor: The Nature Conservancy, Save Open Space and Agricultural Resources, Patagonia, Ventura Hillsides Conservancy, Edward and Joette Masry and the Ventura County Farm Bureau.

Who are opposed: No organized opposition.

Who wins and who loses: The measure would generate about $250 million over 10 years to preserve farms, beaches, rivers, pastures and ridges either by outright purchase or acquisition of development rights. An open space district would be created to administer the funds. Cities and the county would appoint board members. Backers say the measure would begin to permanently halt urban sprawl. But it would hike the county sales tax from 7.25% to 7.5%. Two-thirds approval is needed.
