
Priests’ Victims Can Never Be Repaid

Re: “Priest Abuse Payout May Be Costly,” Aug. 29: These perverts have ruined lives and practically caused insurance companies and their own churches to go bankrupt. Insurance companies are asked to raise their reserves before litigation over the possible $186 million at stake. Priests who molest children don’t even have to take the stand; only one case has made it to trial in California. This is absolutely disgusting.

Shirl Giacomi, a top administrator for the Orange Diocese, was completely wrong to say that these molestation victims are asking for too much money. They have been deprived of their chance for a normal life by a religion that was built to protect them. The churches should be closed down; the priests should stand trial and be forced to live in shame by repenting for their sins in front of the public.

Miriam S. Putnam

