
West Hollywood’s Watchdog Retires

With the L.A. County medical trauma system in crisis, placing an article about James Fuhrman (“Ethics Watchdog Drops Chase in W. Hollywood,” Sept. 21) on the front page and the story about King/Drew Medical Center back in the California section defies belief. Fuhrman’s impact on this community has been minuscule by any standard, at best resulting in a reduction in meal expenses charged to the city by officials. This story belongs on the comics page; Fuhrman is a joke, not real news.

Stephen Wayland

West Hollywood


West Hollywood City Manager Paul Arevalo is quoted as saying, “City Hall employees buying liquor does look bad. But is it unreasonable to think someone’s going to have a drink with dinner? Is $42 for a bottle of wine unreasonable?” A drink with dinner unreasonable? Probably not, especially here in West Hollywood. However, a $42 bottle of wine? That certainly is unreasonable when it is on the taxpayers’ nickel, Mr. Arevalo!

Gary Baker

West Hollywood


Fuhrman’s exposure of the self-seeking West Hollywood City Council’s excessive spending on restaurants and trips will be missed. Mayor John Duran’s sour comment, “He poisons the political system,” says it all.


Roslyn Krause

West Hollywood
