
New Order of Priests

Re “New Order of Catholic Priests Is Forming to Fight Abortions,” March 31: I noticed that the Catholic Church is setting up a new institution to fight increasing secularism in the U.S., especially to do with abortion and right-to-life issues. Perhaps they should look into why there is so much secularism.

Could it be that a church that won’t allow women to become priests and continues to blame women for most problems (as described in Genesis) could be the cause? Women are no longer content to sit around and let men tell them what to do.

Julia Dunphy

Harbor City

I am amazed at the audacity of the Catholic Church. Is the public simply supposed to forget how frequently the church has been in the news in recent years as a consequence of case after case of acts of child molestation unpunished not only by members of the Catholic priesthood but hidden from view by the church hierarchy?


There can be no question that the tragic circumstances of Terri Schiavo’s case has provided a convenient excuse for one arm of the religious right to distance itself from its tarnished past. Spare a fleeting thought for the concept of dignity and then jump on the nearest bandwagon.

If the “culture of death” is so worrying to “Priests for Life,” let them show the world they have the resolve to protect children already born and vulnerable to abuse.

Away from the headlines, it will take years of kindness, remorse and dedication for the Catholic leadership to demonstrate that respect for life has led it to make real advances in the slightly more complex mission of policing itself.


Virginia MacFadyen


Although it is truly heartening to read that the male-only Missionaries of the Gospel of Life will be jumping onto the “culture of life” bandwagon with action rather than contemplation, one can’t help but wonder why they didn’t choose an issue more closely identified with the Catholic priesthood -- child abuse.

Mary Trainor

Redondo Beach
