
Chivas USA Is Sure to Attract Fans of the Latin Style of Play

I admire your decision to do a piece on one of Mexico’s most prestigious institutions (“Conquistador in Cleats,” by David Davis, March 13). You mentioned Jorge Vergara’s fantastic business acumen. And, of course, you mentioned the racial aspect that will typify Club Deportivo Chivas USA’s fan base.

But you forgot to mention why Chivas will attract people other than the Hispanic fan base. Chivas plays a short passing game, which is more exciting than the long-ball game usually played by U.S. soccer teams. There are people like me, an East Indian, who are attracted to the Latin style of play exemplified by Chivas. Why didn’t you mention this important aspect? Or that the marriage of ethnicity and soccer is common in many countries?

I agree with Vergara: Chivas USA will become a standard-bearer of Mexican pride in a land where Mexicans are seen as little more than maids and gardeners.


Vikram Peters

Via the Internet
