
A Pope Who Shaped History, Touched Lives

I am not Catholic, nor did I agree with everything that Pope John Paul II stood for. Yet I grieve the passing of this spiritual leader who so genuinely lived in truth, who cared with such passion and compassion for all of humanity.

I grieve that this voice of wisdom has been silenced, leaving us alone with leaders who see no hypocrisy in invoking God’s name for political gain and nefarious purpose. May John Paul rest in peace, and may peace be visited upon the rest of us.

Alitta Kullman

Laguna Hills


I am a feminist and a Catholic because of the church’s teachings on the dignity of women. Birth control turns men and women into sex objects. It is an attack on our biology and a compromise with our frailty and failings that only leads to death: death of babies, death of marriages, death of individuals from disease.


The country and the church are not as polarized on these issues as some would have us believe. The time is right for respectful, honest dialogue.

The pope had a tremendous following among the young people because he told them the truth that as human beings they are more than their biology, that they have purpose and a will to make the world a better place.

The “culture of life” will prevail because it contains all that is beautiful and hopeful in the world. Just like the pope.


Lisa Williams

San Clemente


Pope John Paul II believed everyone has the right to live. He said simply because one exists, one is entitled to certain inalienable human rights -- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights, everyone should be guaranteed a minimum income by national governments -- enough for food, shelter and basic necessities.

Al Sheahen

Sherman Oaks


My memories of this pope will be unique. As a Jew, I am very appreciative of the actions he has taken, both symbolic and real, toward the Jewish community. He has done more in that area than any pope in recent times. That is just one reason among many why he will be missed.

Steven M. Clayton

Ocean, N.J.


Such a man is uncommon in this world. One who could bring hope and peace to a world in turmoil, simply radiating holiness and stepping over the boundaries we erect between faiths and peoples.


The world knew Pope John Paul II had a special connection with young people, and I can attest to that. Though he had never met me, or even seen me, I felt he loved me. It was that universal love for God’s children that made him a father to us all.

Regardless of beliefs or creeds, the world has lost a treasure, and heaven has welcomed a friend.

Daniel Fremgen

Junior, Long Beach Polytechnic High School


When former President Regan died last year, the copious news coverage announced that he was the man who defeated communism.

Now that Pope John Paul II has died, the copious news coverage tells us that the pope was the man who defeated communism, and there is no mention of the former president in any of the coverage.

So which of these men single-handedly defeated communism? Please help me, I’m confused.

William Lorton

Los Angeles


Josef Stalin once asked, in a question phrased to belittle the saliency of the papacy, “The pope? How many divisions has he got?” It seemed a safely arrogant question at the time, but by the end of the 20th century, the mighty Soviet empire would have to deal with John Paul II, the dragon-slayer.

When Poland became the loose thread of the Soviet Eastern bloc, John Paul grabbed that thread and pulled hard.


In the face of a crackdown against Poland’s upstart Solidarity movement, this quiet priest from Wadowice threatened to return to his homeland and stand shoulder to shoulder with his countrymen. The Soviets backed down, the carefully woven empire began to unravel, and Stalin’s wry question was finally answered.

There are many (mostly American) politicians eager to collect credit for the pope’s mastery of statesmanship, but I’m confident that history will determine John Paul to be the great political savant of the Cold War. And while I do not share his Faith, I will always share his faith.

Michael Fincher

Overland Park, Kan.
