
A Fix for California’s Political System

Re “The Hundred Years War, L.A.-Style,” Commentary, April 13: One of Patt Morrison’s suggestion is “copy Arizona” [which has public campaign financing]. The opportunity is here with Assembly Bill 583 (much improved since last year’s AB 2949). It is heading to a vote in the Elections and Redistricting Committee. AB 583, the Clean Money and Fair Elections Act, will do better than just copy Arizona, though; it’ll start the turnaround for California’s broken political system (where initiatives roam free) and make California more responsive. It’ll put California back in the race for “leading edge” government.

James Bennett Saxon

Marina del Rey


I find that most people have a rather cynical attitude about politics in the United States. The cause, of course, is obvious. Over and over again the public interest is trumped by special interest. There is a general belief that those who “pay to play” get their way.

No wonder the voter turnout is so poor. The clean money campaign should go a long way in correcting this situation.


John M. Gault

Los Osos
