
Get hip to older readers

Like many readers lately, I’ve been wondering what is going on with The Times. In particular, with the Calendar sections on Thursday and Sunday. We are all aware of the obsession the media, advertisers and corporate America in general have with the “youth” demographic today.

But a Thanksgiving Day holiday edition Weekend cover story comprising 15 pages on everything video games [Nov. 24]? Is this the Los Angeles Times or Gaming Illustrated? Are you serious? Who do you think is reading your paper? Here’s a clue: It’s not teenagers, as much as you’d like that to be the case. Nor is it the kiddies and after-school fan base for yo-MTV raps. I’m sure if The Times revealed demographic studies of its readership, 13- to 24-year-olds are neither the majority nor a significant block.

Do you folks think that the average reader over 35 cares a whit about rap music, video games or similar nonsense? Either start publishing a Calendar and Weekend section for your audience -- which is primarily adults -- or risk the continued loss of long-term subscribers including this one.



