
Say It With Flowers

A local florist may be a lot more convenient than a trek downtown for the early-morning pickings at the Los Angeles Flower District and SoCal Flower Market. Yet there are the intrepid who venture forth so they can make their own arrangements from an incredible assortment of flowers. We asked them why.


David Cheng

Monterey Park

What flowers are you getting today?

Some stargazers, calla lilies, some daisies for my wife’s baby shower tomorrow. She’s working today and my sister is hosting the party, so I’m bringing the flowers over. I like to get flowers here for my wife and my mother.

Why not just call FTD and sleep in?

It’s more meaningful to say I went to the mart in the early morning and picked them out myself.


Why are you getting these particular flowers for the baby shower?

We’re having a baby girl so I want lighter pastel colors. I also got a bird of paradise for my sister.

What is your favorite flower?

Calla lilies I think are very pretty and very pure.

What flower don’t you like?

A lot of times carnations are associated with funerals.

What flower are you?

Probably a rose. I think that’s what everybody would want me to be.


Mary and Aiden Rodriquez

Malibu Lake

What kind of flowers are you getting today?

Roses and hydrangeas, maybe some tulips. We’re having friends over for a dinner party tonight. My son Aiden wanted the blue ones. I love deep-red roses.

What flowers don’t you like?

Odd tropical flowers that are really spiky. Birds of paradise, because they’re spiky and harsh and used in modern arrangements. They’re nice in Hawaii but not here.


If you were a flower, what would you be?

Probably a rose. When they’re new they’re closed, but when you experience them over time they open up.

What floral scent triggers a vivid memory for you?

When I was very young, I went to my aunt’s funeral, where they had carnations. When I smell carnations, I’m always reminded of that funeral.

So, Aiden, do you like flowers?

Yeah. Because they like you.


Don Decker


What kind of flowers are you getting today?

We’re looking for spring flowers today. We’re getting tulips, daffodils, irises, gerbera daisies.


Why didn’t you just call FTD and sleep in?

I moved here from Alabama and we don’t have things like this. It’s an experience to come here. You see so many varieties that you just don’t see in your local flower store.

What flowers don’t you like?

I can’t think of any I really don’t like. They’re kind of like people. Some aren’t as attractive, but they’re so interesting that that makes them kind of beautiful.

What’s the most interesting flower you’ve come across?

The artichoke flower is probably the most interesting. It’s a deep purple color.

If you were a flower, what would you be?

Probably a carnation.

Carnations have been getting a bad rap around here this morning.

A lot of people consider them funeral flowers, but they all look different because of the folding and the shape. To me roses all look the same.


Amy Marquis

Newbury Park

What kind of flowers are you getting today?

An assortment including roses and gerbera daisies. I’m making centerpieces for my mother’s birthday party. She’s 75.

Why not just call FTD and sleep in?

I’m a control freak. When I have a party I like things to be perfect.

What floral scent triggers a memory for you?

I had lilies at my wedding. They trigger a very pleasant memory.

What is your favorite flower?

Gerbera daisies. They’re very welcoming. You smile when you see them. They’re kind of open and looking at you.

What flower don’t you like?

Bird of paradise. We had them in our backyard when I was little, and they kind of scared me. They’re spiky and kind of creepy looking.


Would a rose by any other name really smell as sweet?

Not to me. I’m allergic to roses. I get migraines.
