
Unchristian Approach to Gay Americans

Re “Black Clergy Wooed for Values Fight,” Feb 2: I see that the Rev. Louis P. Sheldon is calling for a series of summits to enlist black pastors in the fight against gay marriage. Searching my copy of the New Testament as carefully as I can, I cannot see anything about gay marriage, pro or con. I guess I missed it.

It’s great to have someone among us who can discern the mind of God so clearly and confidently. I would have thought getting the New Testament teaching straight would be at least as important as declaring what God’s goals are -- which are not mentioned in it.

By the way, I’m a father and grandfather, and not gay. I do think we ought to take the New Testament seriously. There’s enough to do right there, rather than getting involved in political issues on which God does not speak.


R.C. Richards



We are remembering the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. I am a gay man. I am appalled by the use of my community as a political game piece. I am appalled that those who call themselves Christian ministers accept money from the government and then demonize us gay and lesbian people as a threat, preaching against relationships such as I have with my spouse, Richard Adams -- a relationship that has lasted 34 years in spite of opposition from many quarters, including my blood family, elements of my community and the government. These ministers should be ashamed of themselves, but then again, when Germany committed the abominations of more than 60 years ago, it was considered a Christian country.

Anthony Sullivan



My lovely, quiet life with my partner of eight years, our three dogs and ornery cat, is considered by some to be idyllic. So it is always so shocking to read how pastors and others believe that I am contributing to the “moral degradation” of this country simply because my partner and I are women. If the messages of the evangelical right were not so frightening, their set of beliefs about my life would be laughable.

Regina Lark

Canoga Park
