
Sticky Situation on Evolution Education

Re “Judge Nixes Stickers Challenging Evolution,” Jan. 14: A federal judge had this to say about stickers in biology texts that say “evolution is a theory, not a fact”: “The sticker communicates to those who oppose evolution for religious reasons that they are favored members of the political community, while the sticker sends a message to those who believe in evolution that they are political outsiders.”

I have a question: Does abolishing the use of the stickers communicate to those who believe in evolution that they are favored members of the political community, while sending a message to those who oppose evolution that they are political outsiders? Here’s a second question: Do these judges actually get paid for this kind of reasoning?

Pasquale Vuoso

Santa Paula


Kudos to U.S. District Judge Clarence Cooper for ordering school officials in Cobb County, Ga., to remove from its textbooks stickers implying that evolution is basically a hunch. For all religious fundamentalists who devalue others’ rights and beliefs, think about this: How would you feel about evolutionists invading your church to slap stickers onto your Bibles that say, “Creationism doesn’t even amount to a theory, let alone a fact, and should be critically considered.”


Jeff Edelstein

Sherman Oaks


Hopefully, when the Georgia schoolchildren peel those ludicrous stickers from their books, they’ll have a better appreciation and understanding of the opposable thumbs they inherited from their primate ancestors.

William W. Carter

Newbury Park
