
These women, hear them roar

I think the problem Howard Leff has [“Your Big House or Mine?” June 30] is that he only knows single women. All the married women I know can whip up a fabulous tiramisu after they’ve just finished repainting the pool fence. See, what happened was that we all married smart, intellectual types who make a good living. But guess what? They don’t know how, or care, to paint the house. As my husband said, “This is why I make a lot of money. Hire someone.” End of story.

I gave my husband sawhorses for his birthday, but they were really for me. True, he does know how to program the VCR and he’s really sweet. My husband married me for my curried butternut squash soup and homemade blueberry pie. Like I told him last weekend, he married a really great wife and a really great husband.

Wendy Prober-Cohen



There are quite a few women out there who make lovely dinners, select a great wine, grocery shop for real food, sew, set a fine table and compliment their men on the jobs that they do for us. It’s a time-honored art that we proudly carry on.


I am one of them. Even on picnics, I have real plates, tablecloth, silverware and fantastic food. It’s fun! Everything is made from “scratch,” which means real cooking; no mixes from a box.

Where is Leff finding these girls who are unable to do this? All the women I know have jobs and manage a lovely home -- no eating over the sink or wondering where the men are to appreciate us as well as our skills.

So please redefine some L.A. women as losing their touch. We are out there, accomplished and hoping a “gentleman” will cross our paths.


As for the Victoria’s Secret ensemble, that’s the icing on the homemade cake.

Kitty Rourke

Los Angeles
