
Can Jellybys Make a Difference in Africa?

Re “What Dickens Knew That Geldof Doesn’t,” Commentary, July 6: Whatever his other failings, Live 8 organizer Bob Geldof knows that while it’s the worst of times for Africa, it’s the best of times for the industrialized nations.

In any event, it’s a far, far better thing to contribute to African relief than it is to do nothing and let the Malthusian (Scroogian) forces of war, starvation and disease run unchecked. Given a choice between Mr. Scrooge and Mrs. Jellyby, I’d take Mrs. Jellyby every time.

Carl W. Goss

Los Angeles


I couldn’t agree more with Niall Ferguson’s assessment of Africa. Forgiving loans and pumping money into Africa will not solve its problems of starvation and AIDS.


It’s the same as coming across a crack-addicted mother and her starving children and saying, “Here’s $100, use it to feed and treat your kids. We’ll check back in a week.” A week later, the children are in even worse shape so we say, “Here’s $100 more, use it to feed and treat your kids. We’ll check back in a week.” You get the picture.

Paul Budzinski

Lake Forest
