
Earthquake Drills Shake Up Campuses

Until I read the excellent article “Searching for Lessons in Jefferson High Melee” (July 6), I was not aware that the riot broke out during an earthquake drill, and I think there’s a further lesson in that. For the uninitiated, school earthquake drills are mandated so officials can claim to attend to safety. Gates normally padlocked are opened in advance of the “quake” to facilitate orderly evacuation. Students are herded to the athletic field where, theoretically, they will patiently remain until parents come to claim them.

Earthquake drills are scheduled to occur only during periods that will not interfere with food service. It diminishes the entire institution of school, the relevance of education to real life, the authority of those who oversee our students and our ability to keep them safe.

When we actually had an earthquake two weeks ago, our school ignored it, just as we ignore the fire alarms that go off two or three times a day. Too much overt attention to safety can be very risky indeed.


Richard Lavin

Teacher, Huntington Park

High School
