
DUI Laws Cannot Be Stringent Enough

Re “Challenging Strict DUI Laws One Case at a Time,” July 5: It’s bad enough that I have to hear Myles Berman’s infuriating commercials on every radio station, urging “friends not to let friends plead guilty,” but to have The Times do a story on him is beyond my comprehension.

I was hit by a drunk driver in 1989. Due to having the misfortune of breaking my jaw, cheekbones, nose, orbital bones, ribs and ankle in the crash (it was definitely no accident), I had 10 facial reconstructive surgeries, had to file bankruptcy because of hospital costs well over $100,000, was forced to pay increased insurance when I became an “assigned risk” and missed months of work -- not to mention experiencing a thousand hours of tears, pain and fear.

It is impossible to stay neutral when this man talks about his concern for the alleged drunk driver’s “loss of reputation, loss of revenue and possible job loss.”


Those so-called draconian laws have saved thousands of lives and could not possibly be strict enough, as many more people are injured and killed by irresponsible drunk drivers every day in this country.

Believe me when I say firsthand that the punishments certainly do fit the crime.

Jami LoVullo

