
The spirit of the sprout

“Seeds are earthbound starships that fly or fall through the air.... “ So begins the introduction to this stellar work, written and beautifully illustrated by an ardent gardener for other gardeners. It is science made simple but not simplistic -- detailed, delightful and never dull.

Peter Loewer first clarifies some botanical basics -- the greater plant kingdom, pollination, heredity, seed chemistry and germination -- then adds fascinating chapters on seed longevity (longest and still viable: arctic lupine, found frozen and buried, and believed to be 10,000 years old) and seed dispersal.

He segues into issues of seed conservation, the history of the seed business, profiles of American seed houses and adventurous seed collectors, and plentiful sources and resources (totally updated from the 1995 edition).


This inspiring reference ends with practical knowledge on how to grow various seeds (and fern spores) successfully and, if you wish, collect and save them for future launches.
