
What women want online

When I read Michael Corral’s letter [March 17], I had to laugh out loud.

At dinner the previous night, the conversation had turned to how difficult it is to meet quality men and about the awful dating/singles websites. At the table were 12 happily married, dating, engaged and single people between the ages of 22 and 65.

The consensus was: The men online were losers. Yep, we concurred with Corral! That is all we could come up with.

However, I submit back to Mr. Corral that:

1. Women online do have a clue;

2. We aren’t looking for a fantasy; and

3. We realize that everyone lies online (except for us, of course!). It’s not just the men.


So I had to wonder, how does a wonderful, attractive, honest, educated, sweet, single woman, with her own natural body parts, meet a guy in L.A.?

If we are going so far as to join an online service, obviously we aren’t meeting them on the street, clubs, museums, ball games, etc. We await the magical answer!

Shari Oshry

Long Beach
