
Annan’s Plan to Save the U.N. From Itself

Re “Annan Has a Plan to Revitalize U.N.,” March 19: Giving credence to Kofi Annan’s plan for sweeping changes to prevent new scandals is as mindlessly considered as is hiring the fox to find the source of missing chickens.

Lawrence R. Gordon

Santa Monica


As long as the U.N. refuses to recognize genocide as it is occurring now in Darfur, a new U.N. “responsibility to protect” in case of genocide will just be more empty rhetoric.

With all the recent films about U.S. and U.N. inaction in the face of genocide in Rwanda and the refusal by some officials to refer to the crime as “genocide,” the test of whether the U.N. is an effective institution that takes the phrase “never again” seriously will be reflected in its actions now. It’s now or never, Mr. Annan.


Charlie Carnow



Some of us have believed, even hoped, that the United Nations might save the world. If not the U.N., then who? While it is about to celebrate its 60-year anniversary, I question the effectiveness of the policies which govern that body.

This week’s headlines spoke of atrocities still occurring in Darfur, Congo, Chechnya and so many other places across the globe. Kudos to Secretary-General Annan for proposing reforms and for realizing that, if the U.N. continues to do the same thing, it will continue to get the same ineffective results.

Wendy D. Henderson

