
The week ahead in Orange County


Tree lighting: Fashion Island celebrates its annual holiday tree lighting in the Bloomingdale’s courtyard, including a performance by the Orange County High School of the Arts. Free. 6 p.m. 701 Newport Center Drive. (949) 721-2000

Tree lighting, II: Santa Claus and Buena Park Mayor Don McCay kick off the holiday season with a tree-lighting ceremony that includes activities, live performances and gifts. Free. 5 p.m. Downtown at La Palma and Stanton avenues. (714) 503-5000 or


Art exhibit: The American Artists of Chinese Brush Painting present “Autumn at the West Gate.” The exhibit will feature Chinese brush watercolor paintings and ink calligraphy. Free. Through Nov. 28; closed holidays. Huntington Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave. Exhibit hours: (714) 842-4481



Lecture: The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Orange County presents Dr. Kamal Artin discussing “Differentiating Personality Traits from Mood Disorders.” Free. 7 p.m. St. Joseph Hospital, 1100 W. Stewart Drive, Orange. (714) 744-8718

Recycling: The Costa Mesa Sanitary District invites residents to drop off outdated telephone white pages for recycling. Bins will be at almost every school in Costa Mesa until Dec. 16. (949) 645-8400


Nature celebration: The Environmental Nature Center presents “Little Naturalists,” geared for children ages 3 to 5. $5 per child. 10 to 11 a.m. 1601 16th St., Newport Beach. Reservations required: (949) 645-8489


Medicare: Al Balon of the Social Security Administration will answer questions on Medicare and prescription drug coverage. Free. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Cypress Senior Center, 9031 Grindlay St., Cypress. Reservations: (714) 229-2005


Alzheimer’s Assn: A support group for caregivers, sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Assn. Orange County Chapter, will meet at Sunflower Gardens. Free. 5 to 6:30 p.m. 3730 S. Greenville St., Santa Ana. (714) 641-0959


Source: The Orange County calendar is compiled by Sheena Tahilramani and Yvonne Villarreal. Submit items two weeks in advance to [email protected] or by fax to (714) 966-7711.


Los Angeles Times
