
This Might Be an Experience for Dodgers

When Frank McCourt fired Paul DePodesta, he stated that it was necessary to fill the position with someone who has experience and, possibly, was a former Dodger. Well, if DePodesta’s time as an assistant to the forward-thinking Billy Beane does not count as experience, why should Ned Colletti’s? And, the last I checked, hiring a Giant doesn’t exactly restore Dodger tradition.

But that might be too much for McCourt to understand at this time, given how little experience he has in running a baseball franchise.


Los Angeles


Finally, the Dodgers made some decisions that pleased the Most Important Man in Los Angeles, Bill Plaschke. They fired Paul DePodesta and hired a guy who watches a lot of batting practice.


Sure, most of the guys DePodesta got rid of had lousy years, and a team depleted by injuries missed the playoffs by exactly one Eric Gagne. But DePodesta should have known, like the All-Knowing One, that potential stars Milton Bradley and Jayson Werth would crash and burn. He should have kept aging underachievers Finley and Green and flash-in-the-pan Beltre, not because the Dodgers would have been better, but because the Most Important Man in L.A. would have given his blessing.

And DePodesta would still have a job.


Redondo Beach


How far have the Dodgers fallen from grace if they now entrust the future of their organization to a former member of the San Francisco Giants’ management team?

Mr. Colletti, I am praying that you are not a Trojan Horse.




I see where Ned Colletti has rounded up the usual suspects to interview for the manager job. The only recent retread who became successful was Joe Torre, who had up to $200 million to make sure he won. You don’t think McCheap has that kind of dough, do you?



West Hollywood
