
A Boy Looking for Acceptance Becomes a Man of Conscience

Congratulations to Debbie Nathan for a succinct article that captures the essence of the McMartin Pre-School case (“I’m Sorry,” Oct. 30). More importantly, kudos to Kyle Zirpolo for his honesty and his heartfelt apology. He was a manipulated child who has grown to be a man with a conscience. His children are extremely fortunate to have him as their father.

Karen Thatcher

Via the Internet


Zirpolo’s long-delayed apology has prompted me to admit a long-delayed regret. My three children attended McMartin Pre-School, each for several years. They derived social and educational benefits from attending the school. Virginia McMartin and all of the teachers were wonderful, caring, attentive people. I was allowed to visit during school sessions, which I did on several occasions, and never observed anything wrong. The alleged events occurred many years later, but I always doubted that they occurred. I will always regret that I never took the time to find out how to testify on behalf of a remarkable founder of a once-esteemed preschool.

Joan Forman

Redondo Beach


Zirpolo’s courageous admission warrants commendation, not condemnation. The real blame in this sad story belongs to the police, the prosecutors, to some extent the parents and, most of all, the “certified” therapists and counselors who profited from this debacle while damaging the lives of everybody involved. They’re the most screwed-up people of all.


Jordan Chodorow

Los Angeles
