
Politics, not justice, is behind lawsuits on guns

Re “Bulletproof protection for the gun industry,” Opinion, Oct. 25

For crying out loud, Robert Scheer, the law protecting the gun industry from frivolous lawsuits is exactly that.

For example, there is no protection from lawsuits for shoddy manufacture. If a gun blows up in a user’s face, he can sue. But he cannot sue because a criminal used a gun to commit a crime. That is the criminal’s responsibility, not the manufacturer of the gun. And, if a dealer illegally and knowingly sells a gun to a criminal, the dealer is still guilty of a crime and can be sent to prison.

The lawsuits against the gun industry are a blatant attempt by the anti-gun nuts to achieve by lawsuit what they cannot achieve by legislation -- the death of the gun industry in the U.S. And as such, they should be stopped. The path of legislation is still open, even if it requires a majority vote that the anti-gun fanatics are unable to achieve.



Prescott Valley, Ariz.


Scheer is upset that the gun industry was granted immunity from civil lawsuits at around the same time a college student was killed. Whatever happened to blaming the person who pulled the trigger? Suing the gun industry has become a political maneuver rather than one based on justice. I am glad that this has been stopped.


Rancho Palos Verdes
