
Graphic photos bring the war home

I wanted to say thank you to The Times for publishing Rick Loomis’ photos along with David Zucchino’s “Journey Through Trauma” series (April 2 to April 4). These photos were just the kind of wake-up that this community has needed to convey the reality of the situation in Iraq. I have felt for a long time that the media have been soft in visually showing the grisly reality of war. Although these photos were gruesome and shocking in subject matter, they are the truth.

The role of journalism is not to give the people what they want to see, but rather what they need to see. Thank you to the L.A. Times for doing its job.


Costa Mesa


Regarding the letters protesting your use of graphic images on the front page: Doesn’t it seem ironic that the people most supportive of the war are the ones most horrified and disgusted by what it looks like?



Manhattan Beach


As a retired operating room nurse, I have seen many injured people. To realize that these scenes you are showing in this brilliant series are being repeated every hour of every day in Iraq makes me weep.

I can only hope that these articles and pictures will open the eyes of our blind “patriots.” We cannot win this war. How many more of these boys will be maimed or killed before President Bush and his gang get tired of playing at war?


