
Funding is a key to cures for genetic diseases

Re “Gene Therapy Shows Hope in Immune Disease,” April 3

It is essential that gene therapy research for genetic disorders receives funding and donations, because if there is success in one of these diseases, there can possibly be a cure in other diseases. Right now, with gene therapy for chronic granulomatous disease, or CGD, it is “wait and see” if this is an absolute cure that doesn’t develop into leukemia, as some fear.

I have two sons with CGD, ages 25 and 29, and I know the terrible and painful times they have. Currently, my 29-year-old weighs only 80 pounds, and if he becomes ill again, I don’t know if he’ll make it. I pray for a cure for all genetic diseases that may be helped through gene therapy.



CGD Assn.

San Marino
