
Who Wants to Invest Any Time in Bonds?

Barry Bonds should retire. By doing so, Bonds can let all the sports losers get back to their lives and, more important, make the statement once and for all that a game is just a game.

Sportsmanship and dignity have nothing to do with records that are easily broken in the long run. And for that, there is absolutely no doubt. By the way, how’s Barry Sanders doing?




Whose bright idea was it for ESPN to come up with a show like “Bonds on Bonds?” Hey, I’ve got a great idea, how about CNN comes up with “Saddam on Saddam!” In the show, Saddam can explain why he was a great leader of Iraq, why he can’t understand everyone hating him and that it is the media’s fault that he is looked on so negatively. Oh, and that he never used steroids.



North Hollywood


Mike Penner gets on his high horse to point out that ESPN’s involvement with “Bonds on Bonds” is enough to “bring tears to the eyes of any self-respecting member of the media”.

On the same page, The Times prints a “news story” describing what personal medications Derek Lowe is taking by prescription. The Times discovered this by digging through a divorce deposition brought to its attention by a trashy gossip website.

Why do you think the story was on that trashy gossip website in the first place? Because it’s trashy gossip and nothing more.


The Times is no better than ESPN and its tears should be reserved for its own loss of journalistic integrity.


West Los Angeles
