
Vidal, vital as ever

JUST a note of appreciation for the beautiful interview/story with Gore Vidal [“The Last Mystery of Vidal,” April 2]. Steven Barrie-Anthony has written such a respectful and poignant piece about a man whose work has touched, inspired and educated so many. I deeply appreciate Vidal’s genius. He has for years given me much to think about and ponder. I have learned from his writings.

I interviewed Gore Vidal last December and have read most of his works. I certainly have appreciated and feel his political interviews are valuable to our society and world, but as someone who also has a deep sense of gratitude for the life he has led -- his courage in speaking the truth and boldly being who he is -- your interview (as compared with others I have read over the years), by far, in terms of communicating the spirit of the man, shines.


Golden, Colo.


I’M always interested in Vidal’s life and what he has to say, although I am often appalled at his view of the world. His anti-Israeli arguments are nonsense, and it is hard to see where they come from in his psyche.


Mostly I salute you on reporting that two men can share a living quarters for 50 years and not be sexually in love with each other. I think there are nonsexual orientations and we need to back off and give each other space. Why can’t we just accept people for the public persona they project -- and not daydream about their personal interests and habits?

Reading the above I can see where I might by taken as gullible. I’m not. It’s an honest wish for the world to be less interested in celebrity gossip.


Los Angeles


I cried at the end of your most sensitive and thoughtful piece on Gore Vidal. The quality of the writing is so rarely read in newspapers today. Thank you so much. My sadness came partly from seeing the article as Gore Vidal’s own farewell and eulogy, and I find it unbearable to think about the future of this country without his perceptions and incisive comments on, and criticisms of, our government.


Barrie-Anthony rendered it so beautifully.


Seal Beach


I have been with my partner for 46 years and have so much feeling for Mr. Vidal in losing his partner of so many years. What a wonderful life he has had. I had to laugh about the trip to Chalet Gourmet on Sunset Boulevard. I surely agree with him -- it is a trip. I also agree with him about Rome. Oh, would I love to live there! It is such a wonderful place to get around. Getting old is no fun, especially here in Los Angeles. I can’t tell you enough how much I enjoyed reading your article and how I laughed and felt sad at the same time. Thanks to Barrie-Anthony and Gore Vidal for helping me out of a depressed mood.


Studio City
