
The White House’s leaking mess

Re “Libby Said Bush OKd Leaks,” April 7

President Bush told us that he didn’t know, but wanted to know, who revealed the identity of Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s wife as a CIA agent. I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, former chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney, is taking the rap for disclosing her identity, but now discloses [in court documents] that the president himself OKd the disclosure by giving Cheney the go-ahead. This documents that the president lied at the outset about his involvement. It also shows that Bush allowed Libby and presidential aide Karl Rove to take the blame for the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame. This proves that the president is not loyal to his staff when the going gets tough.

It wouldn’t look so bad except for all the people who have died under false pretenses in the Iraq war because the president wanted that war so badly that he would lie to have it.


Rancho Palos Verdes


It’s outrageous. Bush just keeps lying and getting away with it. When he’s gone (which hopefully may be sooner than later), we will all be better off. Is impeachment just a neat thought, or is it becoming a necessity?



Albany, Calif.


Unlimited domestic spying. Secrets declassified at will. The acceptance of torture. Suspension of rights for prisoners of war. I guess it’s a law only if Bush says it’s a law. Hail, Caesar!


San Luis Obispo


Re “Leaker in chief,” editorial, April 7

Your false dichotomy of leaker versus hypocrite to describe Bush lets the president off the hook too easily, and you completely miss the big picture of his dastardly ways. When you juxtapose his statements about finding and firing the leaker with his role in authorizing the retaliation against Plame to avoid the unraveling of lies he used to stampede America into the Iraq war, there is only one reasonable conclusion to draw: He is a liar whose continued presence in the White House endangers our republic. The culture spawned by Bush and his administration has led to mass murder, mass torture and mass destruction -- all to maximize his political power to the extreme detriment of America’s place in the world, our troops’ safety and the very existence of our democracy.


San Francisco


It’s taken Bush three years to find the leaker in the CIA leak case. Maybe O.J. will now find the real killer.



Laguna Beach
