
Tennessee Staggers After Tornadoes

From the Associated Press

Emergency teams spray-painted damaged houses with “X” signs Saturday after checking for bodies and survivors, and crews moved in dump trucks to haul away the wreckage piled up by tornadoes blamed for 12 deaths.

Nine people were killed in Sumner County and three were killed in Warren County, state Emergency Management Agency spokesman Randy Harris said Saturday. Hospitals admitted at least 60 people with storm-related injuries.

Harris said a preliminary count showed that 700 to 900 homes in Sumner County and 500 to 700 more in Warren County were damaged or destroyed.


Tornadoes were spotted in about 10 Tennessee counties Friday in the second wave of deadly storms to hit the state in less than a week. The worst damage appeared to be northeast of Nashville.

Last weekend, thunderstorms spinning out dozens of tornadoes killed 24 people in western Tennessee and four in Missouri and Illinois.
