
Protesting Goldberg’s take on the French riots

Re “Egalite, liberte, 401(k),” Opinion, April 6

Once again, Jonah Goldberg has shown us that his contributions from the right-wing noise box are as devoid of logical coherence as they are of civility and relevance.

Am I supposed to take away from his column that because I may have voted against President Bush and am unhappy with the way Congress has allowed many of our government’s organs to be dangerously compromised, I am not only a radical leftist but French as well? How else am I supposed to interpret his assigning the positions of the latest incarnation of French protesters onto his vague “liberal left” in the United States?

If I’m fed up with the demonstrated incompetence of the Republicans, it is with good reason. If that makes me French, then I have three words for Goldberg: Pass the quiche!



Thousand Oaks


So Goldberg thinks introducing market forces to the health insurance industry would drive down healthcare costs. He’s got it backward. It is the private insurance companies with their 25% to 30% overhead, compared with Medicare’s 3% to 5%, that accounts for a significant portion of the high cost of healthcare.


Studio City
