Spread the wealth
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AS I sit staring at $66,000 worth of costumes (no, not a typo) on five mannequins in my living room, working as a budget Bob Mackie solely by myself, I am appalled at the arts salaries quoted [“Culture Cash,” April 2].
I think of how hard I have had to scrimp, nickel and dime, and labor for every rhinestone, pearl and yard of fabric I have assembled into almost 700 pieces of wardrobe while trying to sew my way out of poverty and reopen a door to my career -- I earned $480 for all of last year and so far just over $600 for this. I read the salaries and can only say: unwarranted, unjustified and obscene. With my skills, I could be a millionaire with one-tenth of any their salaries.
West Hills
I am unclear as to what point was being made in the article “Culture Cash.” While I always find it interesting to read about other people’s salaries, I don’t understand why you’re printing the salaries of people who manage large not-for-profit organizations. Are you trying to demonize these people who dedicate their talents toward enriching the community because they receive taxpayer funding?
I think you will find there are many corporations in this country who receive taxpayer funds while at the same time paying bloated CEOs salaries that aren’t even in the same ballpark as Esa-Pekka Salonen’s. And you will find that most countries in Europe wouldn’t think twice about compensating people who work in the arts the same as any other field of business.
Valley Village