
‘If I ever knew a saint, it was Bill’

The Rev. William Sloane Coffin Jr. (obituary, April 13) was more than a leader of the civil rights and peace movements. As a colleague on the Yale campus in 1968-69, I had a close-up view of his extraordinary character and balance. He resolutely held onto an abiding sense of humor, which seems rarer than the Kohinoor diamond as a quality in public life. He eschewed anger, histrionics and cheap passion. He adamantly rejected intimacy with the classic dual temptations of personal power and narcissism. If ever I knew a saint, it was Bill.


Episcopal Cathedral

Center of St. Paul

Los Angeles


Thank you for devoting a full page to Coffin’s obituary. I’m embarrassed to say I was only vaguely familiar with this man and his incredible life of service in the benefit of others. When so many Christians on the political right enjoin “What would Jesus do?” they would do well to look to the example Coffin set as a crusader for his fellow man. He truly walked the walk.


Valley Village, Calif.
