
Search turns up a family’s tile treasures

FOR years my husband has talked about trying to find installed work of his father’s Ramos Spanish Mosaic Tile, the type of cement floor tiles described in “Chameleon-Like Charisma” [March 30]. My husband’s father and four older brothers manufactured the tiles in Glendale on Commercial Street.

Their tile installations included Glendale City Hall, the Ambassador Hotel (both demolished), as well as duplexes along Detroit Street in Los Angeles and businesses in East Los Angeles.

My husband’s sister recalled four businesses in East Los Angeles where their father installed his tiles, and I was charged with locating the businesses.


Through Google, phone calls and one call leading to another, I found four addresses, and on a recent Saturday we embarked on our quest.

We were successful beyond our wildest dreams, finding his work not only surviving in two areas, but lovingly cared for in East Los Angeles.

This serendipitous discovery led to chance meetings with a number of tremendously helpful people and landlords of the establishments where the buildings are located, and also served as an introduction to East Los Angeles.


Thank you for your article, which was just the impetus we needed.


