
Proposals to drive down gas prices, consumption

President Bush has paid lip service to rising gasoline prices by promising to refrain from topping off the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve and reversing $2 billion in tax incentives to oil companies (April 26).

In this year’s State of the Union speech, he said that we are addicted to oil. However, he has failed to offer a real solution to the problem of our oil dependence. How about reversing the tax break to small-business owners of gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles? What kind of message does a tax break for SUV buyers send to those of us who have chosen to conserve energy? In the first quarter of this year, 25% of new vehicle purchases were large, fuel-consuming vehicles with eight-cylinder engines, a rate unchanged from the previous year. Why not create added tax incentives for those who purchase fuel-efficient automobiles and create a luxury tax for the gas hogs?




Re “Over a barrel,” editorial, April 26

The customer is very powerful. If we all eliminate waste, we could reduce fuel consumption 20% to 40%. It’s easy. Walk more to places like stores, restaurants and Starbucks; carpool often; eliminate one day of driving; if your job permits, work one or two days from home, and keep tires properly inflated and change your car’s air filter every 12 months. There are so many ways to use less fuel. Be creative.



Yorba Linda
