
SAT fails to impress parents or students

Re “Downgrading the SAT,” editorial, April 24

My daughter attends a private school that uses a holistic approach to college applications. We firmly believe that schools should look at the totality of a student’s accomplishments, not just the numbers. Do I think her SAT results reflect her potential? Absolutely not. Still, I got up at 5:36 a.m. Monday morning to check her SAT score online and was greatly relieved to see that she did fine, better than expected. But she didn’t do it alone. She took a course and worked with a tutor.

Don’t blame us for worrying about this number. When colleges stop using it, so will we. It can’t happen too soon.


Santa Monica


Like the majority of my high school senior classmates, I will openly admit that I absolutely hate the College Board. Its SAT doesn’t make any sense to me. The SAT supposedly covers a student’s entire academic knowledge. However, subjects such as history and science are nonexistent in the test and aren’t even mandated in the SAT II. How are we supposed to be the “leaders of tomorrow” and promote the health and welfare of society if it’s not even emphasized on the tests that determine our future?


It’s utterly frustrating to see the girl who could barely analyze data in chemistry class succeed beyond me just because she could write a decent 20-minute essay. What’s even worse is that the SAT reflects America’s sentiments toward science.


Monterey Park
